In the UK, there are around 2500 species of moths, and most moths live outside and don’t cause any disturbance to humans. The pest moth species are the ones that cause damage to human items, such as the common clothes moth, also known as the carpet moth, and the Indian meal moth, also known as the pantry moth.
Moths live for anywhere between a few weeks to several months. The average life span of a moth in the UK is between 30-45 days, but during this time, they can lay hundreds of eggs and cause serious damage to dried food stores and fabrics made from natural fibres.
To find out more about how long moths live and how they behave during their lives, keep reading this handy guide.
The Moth Life Cycle
Moths go through a 4 stage process from birth to death, and at each stage, they have a unique appearance.

The first stage is eggs, which female moths lay deep inside fabrics or, if outside, in vegetation to protect them.
Adult female moths can lay between 30 and as many as 100 eggs at a time, depending on the species and conditions.
Moth eggs usually measure about 0.5 mm in size, and they can be round or oval, with textures and colours varying depending on the species. Usually, they are milky white or yellowish in colour and are found in clusters.
Eggs hatch after between 7 and 14 days, and the larvae will immediately start to feed on any nearby food source.

While most people are most annoyed when they see adult moths, it is actually the larval stage at which moths are the most destructive. Clothes moth larvae, in particular, are incredibly destructive, which is why it is important to deal with an infestation quickly.
Clothes moth larvae feed on keratin, which is a natural protein found in materials such as wool, cashmere, silk and other natural fabrics. As this is the only stage during which moths grow, they need a lot of protein and will eat almost constantly.
The larval stage usually lasts upwards of 2 months and can be longer depending on the species. During this time, the moths will shed their skins on multiple occasions.

Once the larvae are significantly matured, they will weave a cocoon and enter the pupal stage. The method of pupating depends on the species of moth, but most will attach themselves to some form of food source or burrow into somewhere safe to protect them during their transformation.
Common clothes moth larvae, or carpet moth larvae, will build themselves a silk case that is sealed to protect them and often buried inside carpets or clothing. Then, they will undergo a process called histogenesis, where the larvae are liquified and reconstitute as adult moths.
The energy for this transformation comes from the calories the moth ate during the larval stage, and this is why moth larvae are so destructive. For common clothes moth larvae, this stage usually lasts between 8 to 10 days, but it can last longer depending on their environment.

Adult moths are the final life cycle stage, and this is the time in their lives when moths will focus on procreation.
The adult stage is often the shortest for many species of moth, with some lasting just a few days, although others can live for a few weeks as adults, depending on their species and the climate.
Female moths will use pheromones to attract mates, and once they have mated, lay eggs. Moths usually emerge and then start reproducing as little as 4 days later, and males tend to die almost straight after mating. Females will lay their eggs and then usually die sometime later, depending on their species.
This short life cycle stage entirely revolves around reproduction and creating a new generation of moths.
Factors That Influence Moth Lifespans
There are several factors that can improve or reduce a moth’s lifespan, including climate conditions and its species.
The species of moth will determine how long it can live. The common clothes moth, which some people call the carpet moth, can live for between 45 and 90 days, whereas the brown house moth can live for 4-5 months.
Each species is different, and this is a testimony to ecology and species differentiation. Many have adapted differently, and lifespans between species can vary wildly.
Climate Conditions
Moths prefer warmer weather and die faster in extremely cold temperatures. As such, if the winter is particularly cold or lasts longer, then moths will not live as long.
In the warmer months, moth larvae pupate quicker, lay eggs more frequently and often live longer. In the UK, this means you’re likely to see more moths in the spring and summer months.
Larger insects, such as spiders, reptiles like frogs or toads and even mammals such as hedgehogs, will all eat moths, particularly their larvae.
While toads and hedgehogs aren’t commonly found in homes, spiders are, and they will eat moth larvae, significantly reducing their lifespan. The more predators in the area, the shorter the lifespan of the local moth population is likely to be.
Signs Of A Moth Infestation
If you think you have moths in your home or commercial property, look out for these signs:
- Moth Sightings: The most obvious sign of moths is to see them in your home. You are most likely to see adult moths, as they are larger and more active than any other life stage.
- Damage To Fabrics: You might notice holes in wool clothes, fur that falls away or bare patches in carpets or rugs. Some moths will even eat synthetic fabrics if they are blended with natural fibres or are very dirty.
- Silk Cases: The silk cocoons the moth larvae build to pupate in are easier to see than moth eggs, which are incredibly small. Look out for little silk cases, particularly hanging from fabrics or on your carpet.
How Long Do Moths Live? A Summary
Moths can live for anywhere from a few days to multiple weeks, although most moths in the UK won’t live past 6 months. During this time, pest moths, such as pantry moths and carpet moths, can cause serious damage to your home or business.
If you notice signs of moths in your home or corporate location, you need to be proactive. Moths can be difficult to get rid of as they often lay eggs inside fabrics and in tiny crevices.
Pest-Tech is here to help with expert moth control throughout Maidstone and Kent. Our team have access to insecticide solutions that aren’t available to the general public because we’re RSPH Level 2 certified, meaning we can quickly remove your moth problem. Contact us on 01622 296055 to book a professional moth treatment and get back to a pest-free environment.