Can honeybees be removed without killing them?

Can Bees Be Removed Without Killing Them?

Can bees be removed without killing them?

We understand that discovering a bee colony on your property can be a nuisance and even a health risk to the occupants.

But let’s not forget how important honey bees are. Insects like bees pollinate nearly 80% of all flowers, saving the UK economy about £1.8 billion a year.

Although the bee population is declining, it’s not illegal to kill honeybees; however, we consider this morally wrong.

Therefore, here’s how to get rid of bees without killing them or hurting them in any way.

Honey bee removal in Maidstone

Five Ways To Remove Honey Bees Without Killing Them


Smoke them

We don’t mean “set the beehive on fire”.

Bees are sensitive to smell, and introducing some light smoke on your property is a guaranteed way to remove those nasty little buzzing insects without hurting them. They’ll be inconvenienced, of course, but it’s better than anaphylaxis from a bee allergy.

To encourage the bees to leave, create a small smoky fire under the beehive. The bees will move and likely never come back.

Make sure to move away when you start the fire: bees become very agitated and aggressive when smoked, and you don’t want to be anywhere near them.


Although this is a popular mosquito repellent, citronella works wonders with bees as well. Introducing citronella sticks or sprays around the bee colony inconveniences the bees and makes them feel in danger, pushing them to relocate over time. Make sure your citronella is close enough to the bees to affect them.

Try using citronella sticks along with a smoking treatment for the best results.

If you have a beehive indoors, this tip works particularly well on windy and rainy days. The weather will discourage the bees from going outside, subjecting them to the citronella until they finally escape – making it much more likely they’ll never return.

Relocate them

You will likely need a professional pest control service to do this. Relocating the bee colony is the best way to remove bees without killing them.

Did you know that bees in a beehive always follow the queen? A professional pest control service will simply take care of the queen, meaning that the bees will move away within days.

Contact us to learn more about this highly effective way to remove honeybees.

bee removal from a chimney


Peppermint’s strong smell is a natural bee repellent; however, this doesn’t mean “smear the beehive in toothpaste”!

It may not be able to extinguish the bee colony, but it will certainly keep the bees away. Introduce peppermint plants around your gardens to keep the bees away from your home. It’s that easy.


Another natural bee repellent which works well is cinnamon. Bees rely heavily on their sense of smell, and cinnamon is quite spicy and woody, which bees do not enjoy.

Sprinkle cinnamon around the hive and other areas where bees frequent for about one week. This will encourage the colony to relocate and prevent honey bees and ground bees from returning in the future.

Bee Nest Removal in Kent

Here at Pest-Tech, we are a team of professionals who humanely and safely control bees in Kent and its surrounding areas. Our service is the bee’s knees, and our trusted bee removal treatment has proven again and again that we can remove bees without killing them in the process.

To book your bee removal treatment, call us today at 01622 296055.