What’s The Difference Between Bees And Wasps? February 9, 2020 ‐ By Kelly We get many requests to remove wasps nests, that are often honey bee nests. So how do you tell the difference between Bees and Wasps?
Signs Of A Wasp Nest June 9, 2019 ‐ By Kelly Wasps come out in early spring, but you don’t always notice them immediately. The queen starts building the nest and building her colony so she can get the nest growing. You will notice wasps coming and going as they bring food into the nest, this will be insects such as green fly to feed the grubs.
Indianmeal Moth Larvae December 18, 2016 ‐ By Kelly Pest-Tech Ltd carry out pest control services and service contracts, we monitor business for insect infestations such as Indian Meal Moth Larvae.
Squirrels In The Loft August 25, 2015 ‐ By Kelly A recent call I received to investigate noises in the loft. On entering the loft I got a strong pungent smell of squirrel and the droppings confirmed this.
Bird Mess and Guano Removal August 16, 2014 ‐ By Kelly Pest-Tech carry out bird mess and guano removal and cleaning. We can clean signs and then bird proof them to stop it happening again.